I have been dying to put chevron print on something! I decided to try it on something small and easy first. I googled how to get the design and found a great post at: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/how-to-make-perfect-chevron-st-139609 she does the chevron on a rug but I wanted something different. I got these fold able TV dinner stands for free when my uncle was getting rid of them.
I wasn't particularly fond of the plain blond wood color, so I decided to paint them. But why stop there? I saw this as a great opportunity to try to do chevron! So I did a coat of Rust-Oleum Ivory Silk spray paint. Then I followed the directions. I did the grid a little different though. I got a paper and after a ton of measuring and adjustments, I finally got it right. It's hard to describe so here is a picture.
I cut it so it was half the height of the top. Then I folded it in half and in half again. I used a sharpie to make the lines more visible. Then I put a small mark at the end of the line like you see in the picture. You can see most of the marks in the picture. Then I got a ruler and drew the diagonal lines in leaving me with this:
It is hard to see but they are there. Then I taped the lines I wanted to stay Ivory, leaving me with this:
Then comes the fun part! PAINT!! I was sure to cover the legs of the stand with painters plastic.
I let it dry and did a second coat. Now for the grand reveal.....
Beautiful right? I didn't think it was going to look this good!
As you can see, I continued the stripes over the edge. I'm so excited to finish all four of them! Although when I saw these, I fell in love and it is taking everything I have to not put chevron stripes on everything I own! Once you figure out the pattern, it is really quite simple to do chevron. Now it's your turn!! Have fun!!
Cute! I have some of these that I have been wanting to paint. :)